Sunday, August 15, 2010

An IKEA Kind of Day

We started our day at IKEA. We arrive at about 9:45am but apparently they aren't open for shopping until 10:00am. Luckily Dylan was in the mood to run around like a crazy baby, so we were entertained by his sprinting around the lobby and riding up and down the escalators. I am EXHAUSTED.

When we got home Kyle began assembling our new shelf and I started putting the storage boxes together.

Dylan helped by crawling back and forth through the shelving unit, getting himself stuck and climbing in the boxes I was in the middle of assembling (did I mention this was all during his NAPTIME.)

Helping Kyle with the shelf.
I then began moving books and such back to the office while Kyle hung the magnet boards. Dylan assisted some more by pulling the books off the shelf as I put them on. Did I mention I am EXHAUSTED?

So we have more to do, but I am DONE for the night. Maybe Kyle will finish the office this week while I am in Houston.:)

Here is what it looks like so far...

My workstation

The shelf.

I am going to need you to admire the desk/table in the photo for my workstation. It is a door that I stained and Kyle added some legs to. We are handy! 

I am specifically not showing you the dining area and guest bedroom that are still strewn with stuff that has yet to be situated. As far as my decluttering goes today - I have thrown away A LOT of "stuff" and made yet ANOTHER stack of books to take to Half-Price. 

I think the books are multiplying.

Since I will be gone to Houston for a few days, I am going to put Kyle in charge of delcuttering and organizing... I will give you an update on how he does when I return from my training!

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